ESP-8266 and NTP = onboard timekeeping

We can sync the time of a ESP-8266 with a NTP server and then keep time count on the device. It will not need any other additional devices like a DS1307 clock. And once synced with the NTP server it can keep the time even if there is no internet  – very handy. The time… Continue reading ESP-8266 and NTP = onboard timekeeping

Sync Ds1302 with NTP

This code first syncs the DS1302 chip with a NTP server and then reads time from the DS1302 chip. Every time the system is booted the clock is synced with a NTP server. #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include “TinyDHT.h” // Adafruit library #include <ThreeWire.h> // needed by rtc #include <RtcDS1302.h> // Makuna library const char… Continue reading Sync Ds1302 with NTP

Eagle PCB Library for ESP8266 ESP-12

Eagle PCB Library for ESP-12 Please note though the library file is named as esp-12e, but it is for esp-12. The ESP-12E version will be published soon. Somehow I couldn’t find a proper a library on the internet. I found only one but that had wrong pin spacing. Download the esp-12e eagle library here For… Continue reading Eagle PCB Library for ESP8266 ESP-12

ESP8266 Reset Causes and Common Fatal Exception Causes

This article lists the various Reset causes of Esp8266 esp8266 reset causes and common fatal exception causes.pdf Here is a quick list based on Off’s work here reset causes: 0: 1: normal boot 2: reset pin 3: software reset 4: watchdog reset boot device: 0: 1: ram 3: flash