Tag Archives: amazon aws

Amazon AWS SDK Passing Credentials

As per the the sample codes the AWS API access key and secret is to be stored in the a file called credentials under a folder named .aws 

The location of that .aws folder can be set in the code through this config statement


But I am more comfortable in passing the credentials through my code so that I can make things more flexible and need not worry about write permissions.

To pass the credentials through code the first thing needed is to remove or not to use the config statement

'profile' => 'default'

The credentials can then be passed like below

$xxxxxxClient = new xxxxxxClient([
   'version' => "<CLIENT VERSION>", /* can be set to 'latest' */
   'region' => "<REGION>",
   'credentials' => array(
     'key' => "<API USER>",
     'secret' => "<API PASS>"


PHP code for Amazon SNS Auto Subscription Confirmation (HTTPS)

Amazon Simple Notification Service or SNS is a messaging service which be used to send notifications by SMS, Email, Push notification or to a URL endpoint.

For a quick on setting up Amazon SNS see this article Amazon SNS setup for HTTPS and Email

Code for auto confirmation of subscriptions

$json_write_to_text = file_get_contents("php://input"); //read the raw data 
$json_write_to_text = json_decode($json_write_to_text, TRUE, 512, JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY);

if($json_write_to_text['Type'] == SubscriptionConfirmation)
 $curl = curl_init();

 curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => $json_write_to_text['SubscribeURL'],

 $response = curl_exec($curl);
 $err = curl_error($curl);


file_put_contents("response.txt",print_r($json_write_to_text,true)); // this is just for dumping the raw data and can be omitted 



Amazon SNS setup for HTTPS and Email

Login to AWS Console

Goto Simple Notification Service

Create a Topic

Add a Subscription – the easy and safe way to do this is by clicking the ARN of the Topic (in the topic listing page ) and going to the Topic details page.

Topic Details
Subscription Protocols

Choose your subscription protocol (in simpler words in which way you want the notifications to be delivered)

Subscription Protocols

Amazon SNS will do a verification. The method depends on the protocol chosen. For example for emails it will send an email with a verification link, for HTTP or HTTPS it will call the endpoint with some data like below. On opening or hitting the SubscribeURL the verification will be complete.

[Type] => SubscriptionConfirmation
[MessageId] => eeexxxea-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c15xxxx81361
[Token] => 2336412f3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxee34aadbb4eb9c926c288f8ca1xxxxxxxxxxxxcbe27c6835edd47bd28d0cf1d0cb9b4xxxxxxxx1003b95c6bc1231db657b1bb465a7d98c73a8d79faddb473a1a109c45654a1db1f11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf74dae61acfbe2f508901390b2cd6
[TopicArn] => arn:aws:sns:us-east-x:0xxxxxxxxxx9:xxx-bounce
[Message] => You have chosen to subscribe to the topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-x:0xxxxxxxxxx9:xxx-bounce.
To confirm the subscription, visit the SubscribeURL included in this message.
[SubscribeURL] => https://sns.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/?Action=ConfirmSubscription&TopicArn=arn:aws:sns:us-east-x:0xxxxxxxxxx9:xxx-bounce&Token=2336412f3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxee34aadbb4eb9c926c288f8ca1xxxxxxxxxxxxcbe27c6835edd47bd28d0cf1d0cb9b4xxxxxxxx1003b95c6bc1231db657b1bb465a7d98c73a8d79faddb473a1a109c45654a1db1f11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf74dae61acfbe2f508901390b2cd6
[Timestamp] => 2019-01-09T14:53:31.247Z
[SignatureVersion] => 1
[Signature] => euyT80G1NujWgQMWfltxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiDqeicbE1FH5dwdBnAA7UY84zHf0fsJCd/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/rxx/t/wKxxxxxx/LKg2QwcjGPdnIh4xp6rNA4PKihOjMiPfTZYH4kQV+h+4zqFsQT1UL+ixlM+xBZqZY3zUV1lrHKz+SfIkPJxxxxxxxxxxIB2FN0O2leokHJYRlUqxxxxxxkMzlbsMg4ChDW8+hcJ14hNEz5kpM5T0Fqljt2CmqkF1BQ68ViTgFV7yYpcSTbejo0DuZAUxxxxxxxxxx5y340TcfTWWq+3hKSTtB9aTclgDchvLDYKNqg==
[SigningCertURL] => https://sns.us-east-x.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-ac56xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8aa1d9b.pem

Once the verification is complete the Subscription ID will show an ARN. See The Topic Details picture.

Sample PHP code for auto-verification of SNS Subscriptions for HTTP/HTTPS protocols PHP code for Amazon SNS Auto Subscription Confirmation (HTTPS)