//USAGE - set the keys and token here and then just include this file into your code. Change the <li> to whatever needed. if(!isset($tweetAuthen) && $tweetAuthen != "awre4rwrwfe") //random string to prevent this file being run directly { echo "<li>Unauthorized use of widget</li>!"; } else { //Files needed for the Twitter authentification //Check if TwitterOAuth doesn't already existe if( ! class_exists( 'TwitterOAuth' )){ require_once 'twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'; } function twitter_feeds(){ $return_value = false; $twitter_oauth_var = array('consumer_key'=>"YOUR CONSUMER KEY", 'consumer_secret'=>"YOUR CONSUMER SECRET", "token_key"=>"YOUR TOKEN KEY", 'token_secret'=>"YOUR TOKEN SECRET"); //Check if wee use the authentification methode. We need to have all the key and secret. if( is_array( $twitter_oauth_var ) && count($twitter_oauth_var) == 4 ){ $connection = new TwitterOAuth($twitter_oauth_var['consumer_key'], $twitter_oauth_var['consumer_secret'], $twitter_oauth_var['token_key'],$twitter_oauth_var['token_secret']); $last_tweet = $connection->get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json', array("count"=>"5") ); // change 5 to the number of tweets to retrieve $return_value = $last_tweet; foreach ($last_tweet as $tweet) { $id = $tweet->id_str; //$options['id'] = $id; //$last_tweet_html = $connection->get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/oembed.json', $options); //$tweet_id = $id; //$tweet_html .= $last_tweet_html->html; $temp = $tweet->text; if(strlen($tweet->entities->urls[0]->url)) { $temp = str_ireplace($tweet->entities->urls[0]->url,"<a href='".$tweet->entities->urls[0]->url."' target='_blank'>".$tweet->entities->urls[0]->url."</a>",$temp); $tweet_html .= "<li>".$temp."</li>"; } else $tweet_html .= "<li>".$temp."</li>"; } } return $tweet_html; } echo twitter_feeds(); }
Need to include twitteroauth library. Can be downloaded from here https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth
The whole code including the twitteroauth library can be downloaded from here.