PHP include Remote File

In some case it might be needed to include or run a remote file and display the output on the current site. For this to work the below settings needs to be enabled.

    allow_url_fopen = On
    allow_url_include = On

But in case those two settings cannot be changed or even after changing it doesn’t work (which happened for me) there is another way. See the main part.

    var yname =  document.getElementById("yname").value;
    var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
    var subject = document.getElementById("subject").value;
    var mesg = document.getElementById("mesg").value;
/******************  MAIN PART *******************/
    var url = "" + yname + "&email=" + email + "&subject=" + subject + "&mesg=" + mesg;
    mailer = document.createElement("script");
    mailer.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
    mailer.setAttribute('src', url);
    mailer.setAttribute('id', 'script_id');   
/****************** End of MAIN PART *******************/
    alert("Mail Sent Successfully");
    document.getElementById("yname").value = "";
    document.getElementById("email").value = "";
    document.getElementById("subject").value = "";
    document.getElementById("mesg").value = ""; 
Categorised as PHP

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