Ionic Cordova In-App Purchase Plugin Events Data Dumps

Below are the dumps of data received in ionic cordova app from Google billing or in-app purchase plugin events. See this article for a summarized version – State changes during an in-app purchase in Ionic Cordova {“id”:”com.myapp.annualsubscription2″,”alias”:”com.myapp.annualsubscription2″,”type”:”paid subscription”,”group”:”default”,”state”:”valid”,”title”:”Annual Subscription”,”description”:”Play unlimited with an Annual Subscription”,”priceMicros”:4000000,”price”:”₹4.00″,”currency”:”INR”,”countryCode”:null,”loaded”:true,”canPurchase”:true,”owned”:false,”introPrice”:””,”introPriceMicros”:””,”introPricePeriod”:null,”introPriceNumberOfPeriods”:null,”introPricePeriodUnit”:null,”introPriceSubscriptionPeriod”:null,”introPricePaymentMode”:null,”ineligibleForIntroPrice”:null,”discounts”:[],”downloading”:false,”downloaded”:false,”additionalData”:null,”transaction”:null,”trialPeriod”:null,”trialPeriodUnit”:null,”billingPeriod”:1,”billingPeriodUnit”:”Year”,”valid”:true} Products: [{“id”:”com.myapp.annualsubscription2″,”alias”:”com.myapp.annualsubscription2″,”type”:”paid subscription”,”group”:”default”,”state”:”valid”,”title”:”Annual Subscription”,”description”:”Play unlimited with an Annual Subscription”,”priceMicros”:4000000,”price”:”₹4.00″,”currency”:”INR”,”countryCode”:null,”loaded”:true,”canPurchase”:true,”owned”:false,”introPrice”:””,”introPriceMicros”:””,”introPricePeriod”:null,”introPriceNumberOfPeriods”:null,”introPricePeriodUnit”:null,”introPriceSubscriptionPeriod”:null,”introPricePaymentMode”:null,”ineligibleForIntroPrice”:null,”discounts”:[],”downloading”:false,”downloaded”:false,”additionalData”:null,”transaction”:null,”trialPeriod”:null,”trialPeriodUnit”:null,”billingPeriod”:1,”billingPeriodUnit”:”Year”,”valid”:true}]… Continue reading Ionic Cordova In-App Purchase Plugin Events Data Dumps

Compiling Old Ionic Cordova Projects for Android API 32 and Google Billing Client 4.0

You have developed a good and nice project with Cordova a few years back and now need to publish an update then chances are you are stuck like me. My project was just 2 years old and now while trying to update Google wanted support for API level 31 and Google Billing Client 4.0.0 at… Continue reading Compiling Old Ionic Cordova Projects for Android API 32 and Google Billing Client 4.0

Humidity sensor

There are many Humidity sensors available. DHT-11/DHT-20/DHT-22 from Aosong are the cheapest and easily available in India. DHT-11 is the cheapest. DHT-22 or AM2302 is a good choice for hobby purposes or college projects. DHT20 has replaced DHT22 but still DHT22 is still the most available one. DHT20 is colored black and DHT22 is white.… Continue reading Humidity sensor

ESP-01 Serial.println() or Serial.print() not working

I went crazy, mad trying to understand why the module is not printing anything to the Serial Monitor or receiving any AT commands. I went through lots of articles on the internet and was on the verge of throwing the module away. Just that my mind was not willing to believe that it is dead… Continue reading ESP-01 Serial.println() or Serial.print() not working

ESP-01 and ESP-01S Burning AT ROM- New and Updated

Few years back I had posted an article on burning ROM on ESP-01. The method worked good on my older boards but not working on the newer chips. I needed to spend quite some hours to figure out the problem. And then it turned out that it is the SPI mode that is the matter.… Continue reading ESP-01 and ESP-01S Burning AT ROM- New and Updated