We are using Arduino IDE to program our ESP8266. Please see this article regarding how to setup the Arduino IDE for programming ESP8266. Here is a blinking LED code for ESP8266 written in Arduino IDE. #define ESP8266_LED 5 void setup() { pinMode(ESP8266_LED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED,… Continue reading ESP 8266 – ESP-12E Hello World – Blinking LED
Category: ESP 8266
The NEO 6M from Ublox is a good and affordable GPS module. The characteristics are as follows. It can be purchased with a ceramic antenna from online stores like Ebay or Aliexpress. Unfortunately the one I purchased had a problem with the Antenna connection due to which some time got wasted in trying to get… Continue reading UBLOX NEO 6M GPS Module