Problems with ESP32 configured as both Client and AP

In one project I had an ESP32 configured both as Access Point (AP) and as a Wifi Client. Everything was fine, until I changed my home Wifi password. After changing the home Wifi password I wanted to change the Wifi password set on the device through the Web UI I made and hosted on the… Continue reading Problems with ESP32 configured as both Client and AP

FASTLed Library and RGB LED

Recently I was trying to make a device that will indicate different status through different light colors. Now after developing everything a strange thing started to happen – the RGB LED was not showing the colors properly. For example – suppose the current color is Green and then I put Red. It is not glowing… Continue reading FASTLed Library and RGB LED

ESP32 and Arduino IDE

For programming ESP32 using Arduino IDE need to add the board support. Files -> Preferences -> Settings (Tab) -> Additional Boards Manager URLs (textbox): “” ESP32 is much more powerful than the ESP8266 series processors. It has a  Dual Core processor.  

Unsigned Int, Mathematical operations and pitfalls in Arduino or C

Let’s consider the below code: unsigned long startTime = 1940, stopTime = 0;if( (stopTime – startTime) > 5000ul){ Serial.println(“Hello World!”);} Will this say Hello World? Yes, it will. If this sounds new or surprising to you, please continue reading below. Note the variables have been defined as unsigned long. So the result of mathematical operations… Continue reading Unsigned Int, Mathematical operations and pitfalls in Arduino or C