Eagle PCB Library for MCP1826 SOT-223-5 Package

MCP1826 is a LDO Voltage Regulator from Microchip. Here is the datasheet attached. It comes in various packages. It comes in various configurations. The attached Eagle Library is for the SOT-223-5 package. That package has 6 pins including the tab and has “Chip Enable” and “Power Good” function. It is capable of delivering 1A. And… Continue reading Eagle PCB Library for MCP1826 SOT-223-5 Package

Eagle PCB 1.44 TFT Library

This Eagle library is for 1.44″ Color TFT LCD described in this article https://www.kolkataonweb.com/code-bank/arduino/using-a-1-44-color-lcd-with-arduino-as-a-display/  They are cheap, easily available and also easy to implement. 1.44 TFT SPI Eagle Library

Xtensa Datasheet Full

Xtensa is a configurable processor made by Tensilica. ESP-8266 devices uses Tensilica processor. http://0x04.net/~mwk/doc/xtensa.pdf xtensa datasheet

ESP8266 Reset Causes and Common Fatal Exception Causes

This article lists the various Reset causes of Esp8266 esp8266 reset causes and common fatal exception causes.pdf Here is a quick list based on Off’s work here http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?p=2096#p2112 reset causes: 0: 1: normal boot 2: reset pin 3: software reset 4: watchdog reset boot device: 0: 1: ram 3: flash