MCP1826 is a LDO Voltage Regulator from Microchip. Here is the datasheet attached. It comes in various packages. It comes in various configurations. The attached Eagle Library is for the SOT-223-5 package. That package has 6 pins including the tab and has “Chip Enable” and “Power Good” function. It is capable of delivering 1A. And… Continue reading Eagle PCB Library for MCP1826 SOT-223-5 Package
Month: April 2017
Eagle PCB 1.44 TFT Library
Xtensa Datasheet Full
ESP8266 Boot Process
ESP8266 Reset Causes and Common Fatal Exception Causes
This article lists the various Reset causes of Esp8266 esp8266 reset causes and common fatal exception causes.pdf Here is a quick list based on Off’s work here reset causes: 0: 1: normal boot 2: reset pin 3: software reset 4: watchdog reset boot device: 0: 1: ram 3: flash