DHT 22 or AM2302 – Temperature and Humidity sensor

Mostly made by Aosong. Here is the datasheet. The library from Adafruit on GIT works  fine.  The library has been attached here also in case the GIT one is not available for any reason. There are example codes in the library. Wiring the module is pretty simple. The module works on 3.3v – 5v and… Continue reading DHT 22 or AM2302 – Temperature and Humidity sensor

DHT 11 – Temperature and Humidity sensor

Mostly made by Aosong. Here is the datasheet. Libraries are little rare and seems to be bit old. But this one on GIT is working fine.  The library has been attached here also in case the GIT one is not available for any reason. There are example codes in the library. Wiring the module is… Continue reading DHT 11 – Temperature and Humidity sensor

Using a 1.44″ Color LCD with Arduino as a display

Recently purchased a cheap color LCD from Ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-44-Red-Serial-128X128-SPI-Color-TFT-LCD-Module-Display-Replace-Nokia-5110-LCD-/310876068105?hash=item4861a85909:g:9LoAAOSwpzdWqdY~). They are really good for displaying anything (from an Arduino perspective) in color. Though the are cheap and nice, but finding the proper library for them can be a pain. It would be wise to check the details of the LCD and availability of it’s library… Continue reading Using a 1.44″ Color LCD with Arduino as a display