Using precisely calculated resistors and a stable power supply, Arduino can be used to work as a voltmeter. Below is the schematic Though I used an Arduino Uno, but any Arduino can be used. (If the 3.3v versions are used then calculations will have to be done accordingly). The resister for voltage divider has been… Continue reading Voltmeter using Arduino
Month: July 2016
GPS Tracker Using NEO 6M and ESP-12
The below code outputs current co-ordinate and speed in km/hr . The code is a first draft and there are optimizations to be done. It uses a Ublox NEO 6M for the GPS module and an ESP-12 (of the ESP 8266 family) for the collecting the GPS data from the NEO 6M module, processing the… Continue reading GPS Tracker Using NEO 6M and ESP-12
ESP8266 Description and Details
ESP 8266 from Espressif is a wifi module with a microcontroller inbuilt. It is cheap and widely available on online stores. Previously the chip could be programmed using LUA only. Now the chip can be programmed using C and also using Arduino IDE. The best part about the Arduino approach is, the codes are similar… Continue reading ESP8266 Description and Details
ESP8266 Programming Using Arduino IDE
The ESP8266 can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. The best part is the codes are similar to Arduino. To start programming a ESP8266 using Arduino IDE follow the below steps Prerequisites Arduino 1.6.8, get it from Arduino website. Steps Start Arduino and goto File-> Preferences. In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” Enter (You… Continue reading ESP8266 Programming Using Arduino IDE
ESP 8266 – ESP-12E Hello World – Blinking LED
We are using Arduino IDE to program our ESP8266. Please see this article regarding how to setup the Arduino IDE for programming ESP8266. Here is a blinking LED code for ESP8266 written in Arduino IDE. #define ESP8266_LED 5 void setup() { pinMode(ESP8266_LED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED,… Continue reading ESP 8266 – ESP-12E Hello World – Blinking LED