GPS Tracker Using NEO 6M and ESP-12

The below code outputs current co-ordinate and speed in km/hr . The code is a first draft and there are optimizations to be done. It uses a Ublox NEO 6M for the GPS module and an ESP-12 (of the ESP 8266 family) for the collecting the GPS data from the NEO 6M module, processing the… Continue reading GPS Tracker Using NEO 6M and ESP-12

ESP8266 Programming Using Arduino IDE

The ESP8266 can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. The best part is the codes are similar to Arduino. To start programming a ESP8266 using Arduino IDE follow the below steps Prerequisites Arduino 1.6.8, get it from Arduino website. Steps Start Arduino and goto File-> Preferences. In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” Enter  (You… Continue reading ESP8266 Programming Using Arduino IDE

ESP 8266 – ESP-12E Hello World – Blinking LED

We are using Arduino IDE to program our ESP8266. Please see this article regarding how to setup the Arduino IDE for programming ESP8266. Here is a blinking LED code for ESP8266 written in Arduino IDE. #define ESP8266_LED 5 void setup() {   pinMode(ESP8266_LED, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED, HIGH);   delay(500);   digitalWrite(ESP8266_LED,… Continue reading ESP 8266 – ESP-12E Hello World – Blinking LED