To throw PHP or other scripts as text instead of executing it, add the below code to .htacess file. AddType text/plain .cgi .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phtml .pl .py .pyc .pyo .sh .html .shtml .jsp This method can be used to execute .html files as .php (or for executing any other type of file as… Continue reading Throw scripts as text instead of executing it
Month: November 2014
PHP executing rm -f -r dirname through exec
Apache, Make Shared Hosting (single) IP open a particular domain
This is based on Apache on Ubuntu. The server has a single IP Address and is used to host multiple domains using VirtualHost If it is needed that on using the IP address of the server (in a browser) a particular site/domain get opened, then do the following: Create a vhost file with the IP… Continue reading Apache, Make Shared Hosting (single) IP open a particular domain
Google Trends on PHP Frameworks
PHP Microframeworks
Below is a list of some PHP Microframeworks Epiphany Flight Fat Free Silex Slim BulletPHP Limonade Phalcon Recess PHP Tonic Wave Framework Zaphpa Though all have their own merits and demerits but Phalcon is the most recommended one for speed and Slim and Flight for ease and speedy learning. In general Slim seems to be… Continue reading PHP Microframeworks